I’ve been able to launch Houdini Jobs via an AWS custom instance and am attempting to render an HtoA job within Houdini using UBL.
I’m having trouble getting our Houdini to load Arnold using the Houdini.env on our instance.
I know this is probably more of a solidangle/deadline issue, but I’m hoping to get help wherever I can get it ;).
reads as below:
My htoa install path is here:
However doesn’t seem like it’s getting loaded when the deadline slave launches on the spotfleet instance:
Warning: Bad node type found: arnold_vopnet in /shop.
2019-09-17 17:33:48: 0: STDOUT: Missing the parent of a node on load: obj/arnold_skydome_light1/shopnet/arnold_vopnet.
2019-09-17 17:33:48: 0: STDOUT: The following node types are using incomplete asset definitions:
2019-09-17 17:33:48: 0: STDOUT: Driver/deadline
2019-09-17 17:33:48: 0: STDOUT: Object/arnold_light
2019-09-17 17:33:48: 0: STDOUT: Driver/arnold
2019-09-17 17:33:48: 0: STDOUT: ROP type: arnold
2019-09-17 17:33:48: 0: STDOUT: Enabled log to console
2019-09-17 17:33:48: 0: STDOUT: Set verbosity to detailed
2019-09-17 17:33:48: 0: STDOUT: Rendering frame 2
2019-09-17 17:33:48: 0: STDOUT: Error: Caught exception: [’ File “/opt/hfs17.5.293/houdini/python2.7libs/hou.py”, line 51187, in render\n return _hou.RopNode_render(*args, **kwargs)\n’, ‘OperationFailed: The attempted operation failed.\nError: No command specified for rendering\n Unable to evaluate expression (\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n File “<stdin>”, line 2, in expression\nImportError: No module named htoa.searchpath\n (/out/arnold1/soho_pipecmd)).\n’]