I want to try krakatoa beta v1.5

Hi,everyone,i know krakatoa very well and want to try beta version of krakatoa,i am really excited to try it,how can i get it to try it ? Thanks.


Thanks for your interest in Krakatoa.
The Beta of 1.5 has practically ended and we are about to release the final product sometime this week.
That version will run in Evaluation mode with watermarked output at resolutions above 480x360 (so you can still produce images for YouTube) and will have disabled network support. So once we post the final build, you will be able to test drive it immediately.
You will also be able to request a 15 days full features demo license to test drive.

Thanks for your patience!

thank you,i cant wait v1.5,awesome features included in it,honestly i hope it will be released this week.

hi again,krakatoa 1.5 doesnt work with omni light actually this can be a big problem,cant it ?
When i did some test i will send to youtube :wink:

Not entirely true.
Krakatoa does work with omni lights.
The VOXEL mode in Krakatoa does not work with omni lights.
So if you are rendering particles as points like in the previous versions of Krakatoa, you can use omni lights.
If you switch to voxel mode, you will have to make sure your lights are spot and direct lights due to the way lighting is processed in that mode.
It is not as limiting as it might appear.

Aaaa,ok.By the way saving particles as prt is take longer than previous version 1.1.3 why ? Almost %30 longer.I am testing the same scene.

See if the list of channels you are saving is the same. I will do a benchmark to see if 1.1.3 and 1.5.0 have any speed difference in saving on my system (I would not expect that, but you might have found something)

You should do it bobo,you can clearly see the differences between times.

Saving 1M particles from PFlow over 10 frames in both versions takes exactly 21 seconds. No difference there.

Maybe scene cause this idont know i did 2.5mp and saved them to disk it took almost 6min to write with 1.1.3 and with 1.5 it toooook 16min Something wroooong here,i dont know :S