i want use command line set priority

i use this :
deadlinecommand.exe jobid SubmitCommandLineJob -priority 90
it’s not work
what’s the really commandline format?

Tada!: docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … -line-jobs

Are you trying to submit a job or are you trying to modify an existing one? Your submitcommandlinejob would need a -executable flag at the very least and you wouldn’t need a jobid since that will be created.

If you aren’t trying to create a command line job the proper statement is:

deadlinecommand setjobsetting <jobid> priority 90

I want to modify an existing job

i write a windows bat file to analysis missing jpg file
if some jpg is missing. the job will resubmit
i want resubmit job finish as fast as he can
so i want set priority when it requeue (actually i change priority in configure file)
after that
i found a question
if high priority job in queue. some in running job will change it’s state to queue
i don’t know what time can this job finish
i want job finish task’s can set priority in higher
but i don’t know how can i do this in commandline
i try some one but it don’t work

The code that Gavin shared is one that will modify the priority of an existing job, you simply need to supply the jobID for it. Witht hat, you can make a batch file or code a python file to change the priority on the jobs you want.

i was finish this job
now a batch is running!
thank you everyone