ImageMagick converting tga files to quicktime


I have a python script that produces a quicktime from an image sequence, however it only seems to work with .dpx files.

I get the following error when trying to read in a different image sequence format:

File “L:\script_library\pipeline\tools\production\deadline\make_playable_version\”, line 62, in make_quicktime
2016-09-13 15:42:52: 0: STDOUT: frame = Draft.Image.ReadFromFile(filename)
2016-09-13 15:42:52: 0: STDOUT: RuntimeError: Magick: NoDecodeDelegateForThisImageFormat `TGA ’ @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/501

Could you point me to the right direction on how to extend ImageMagick within Deadline/Draft?

Many Thanks in advance,


Good morning George,

I’m sorry you are having issue. The good news is that Draft/ImageMagick supports reading and writing .tga files. There might be something about your .tga files that Draft doesn’t like…

Can you send me one of your image file? If you want, you can open a ticket via and I will be more than happy to examine your file.



Hi Julie,

Thank you very much for your prompt responce,

I was about to open a ticket when we realised what our mistake was,
the python filepath string that was sent to draft contained the frame range ([0-330]) as below:

01_030_dubai_skyline_Compositing_v003_%04d.tga [0-330]

What was confusing was that sending a dpx sequence in the same format, :

01_030_dubai_skyline_Compositing_v003_%04d.dpx [0-330]

actually went through and encoded fine,
tgas and other filetypes were not as flexible with this format.

When we removed this extension the process completed sucessfully.