IMPORTANT: Deadline 7.2 Licensing and Compatibility


In order to run the beta Deadline software, you will need a floating FlexLM license for the version of Deadline you are running. Licenses are backward compatible, so if you have a 7.2 license, you can still run Deadline 7.1 and earlier. However, if you only have a 7.1 license or earlier, you will need to request a new license to run Deadline 7.2.

If you’re upgrading from Deadline 6.x, Deadline 7.2 also requires an updated license server application. You can find the latest version of the license server here: … all-files/

Note that the Draft version is the same as it was in 7.1 (Draft version 1.3), so you will only need an updated Draft license if you are upgrading from Deadline 7.0 or earlier.

To request a new beta license, send the following information to sales (at) thinkboxsoftware (dot) com:

  1. Include “Requesting Deadline 7.2 Beta license.” in both the message subject and message body.
  2. The FlexLM server machine name.
  3. Physical Ethernet address (NIC address) of the FlexLM server computer.
  4. The number of licenses you require.

Note that only the Deadline Slave application requires a license (the license is per machine, not per CPU). Licenses are not required for monitoring or submitting jobs to the queue. Please allow two business days to receive your license file.


Because Deadline 7.2 is a minor upgrade, you will only need to do a full reinstall if you are running Deadline 6.x or earlier. If you are upgrading from Deadline 7.1, you can follow the instructions for a minor upgrade. Refer to the Installation -> Upgrading Deadline section in the Deadline 7.2 user manual, which can be downloaded from the same location as the beta installers.

System Requirements

The system requirements for Deadline 7.x have changed from what they were for Deadline 6.2 and earlier. Please refer to the Installation -> System Requirements section in the Deadline 7.2 user manual, which can be downloaded from the same location as the beta installers.