Importing job history from 7 to 8?

Is it possible to transfer archived and current archived jobs over from 7 to 8?

You can navigate to your dl7 repo and unarchive the jobs you need.Dont know if you can do it all or you have to do it 1 by 1 ,but the python code to automate it wont be that hard to write :>.If you unarchive the job from there it will be transfered to job folder in your dl8 repo.Or atlest this is what happend when I was testing dl8 with some old jobs I got from our archive from dl7 xD.

Hope this helps ^_^.

Thanks for the input. I was mainly speaking of the statistics from past jobs. But I found that there is actually a “import settings” in the Tools menu. That has an option to import statistics. :slight_smile:


The import settings is the best method to move settings from 7 to 8, and the archive and import jobs from 7 to 8 is not a recommended process as we have not tested this. We generally recommend leaving up your DL 7 repo with a few slaves on it to finish those jobs before retiring it.