AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Include sound in Draft movie?

So, we thought it might have been a licencing issue. I disabled my licences, and it produced different logs. Could you please answer my other questions? (Note: I generally pursue multiple avenues to solve a user’s problem. Please try to answer all my questions, even if it looks like I’ve found the problem down a different path, as it will save time in the long run. Thanks!)

I see only one other question that I did not answer :

Please clarify whether by “manually”, you mean using “Submit Draft Job to Deadline” in the Deadline Monitor, or something else.

Yes we used “Submit Draft Job to Deadline”.

Thanks! Yup, that’s one that you missed before, twice. :wink:

Hey Maxime,

Out of curiosity, which Deadline Version are you using? You can find out in the ‘About Deadline’ dialog, located under the ‘Help’ menu in any of the Deadline apps. I’m mostly wondering because I know we’ve had issues with the Environment Variables not getting set correctly in older Deadline versions and want to make this isn’t an issue that a simple upgrade would fix :slight_smile:

I’d also make sure that the version of the Slaves you have running Draft jobs matches up with versions you have installed on other machines as well, just in case.


  • Jon

Hi Jon,
The Deadline version we are actually using is

Hey Maxime,

We have definitely made fixes to the Draft Plugin since then that would impact this issue. Is it in the cards for you guys to upgrade to 5.2? I realize that this isn’t necessarily a decision to be made lightly, but I believe it might fix this issue. If this is not an option at the time being, let me know and I’ll see if I can figure something else out.


  • Jon
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