Incorrect progress feedback - Vray for Maya 2012

Hi, I’ve noticed what could be a bug with Deadline listening to V-Ray progress report. When I’m submitting a V-Ray for Maya 2012 job to deadline within seconds the progress jumps straight to 100%, although this is not the case as it’s a 10 min render. The job then sits there ‘rendering’ until complete 10 mins later. Has anyone else experienced this on their farm?

Is it possible to post a test scene to reproduce this (preferably one that renders 5 or 10 minutes a frame)? Someone else had reported this recently, but we couldn’t reproduce it. Then it seemed to start working fine for them again. This makes me wonder if certain scenes work and others don’t.


  • Ryan

Hi Ryan, thanks for you reply, unfortunately I can’t send you the scene as the vehicle is under embargo. However I’ve been speaking to everyone else in our studio and they’re all experiencing the same issue with different scenes.

These are stills we’re rendering so it’s not the overall progress of the job but rather the individual task/frame progress. I’ve sent animation jobs to the farm and the overall job progress works as you’d expect but each frame/task still jumps from 0 to 100%. We never had this problem with Deadline 4, it’s as if Deadline isn’t reading the V-Ray log properly as V-Ray updates the progress log in 10% increments.


Which version of VRay are you using? Here’s our version info. It’s a bit old, so maybe that has something to do with it:

Maybe you could create a new scene from scratch that reproduces the problem and doesn’t contain any sensitive data? We’ve tried reproducing it here with no luck. :frowning:

Yes that could well be the reason, the version we’re running is:

[2012/Feb/17|17:19:01] V-Ray: V-Ray for Maya version 2.10.01, revision 19179 from Feb 5 2012, 17:00:54
[2012/Feb/17|17:19:01] V-Ray: V-Ray core version is 2.00.01

I’ll put some dummy geometry in the scene and upload it to you to see if you can reproduce the problem

Incorrect progress feedback - Vray for Maya 2012.rar (52 KB)

We’re experiencing the same thing here with our VRay renders. It jumps to 100% and stays there. Possibly getting progress feedback from a preprocess rather than the actual render progress?

We’re looking into it. We’re having problems loading the vray plugin into maya 2012. We keep getting this error:

We’re downloading Maya 2012 SP2 to see if that helps. If anyone has a Maya 2011 scene though, we can test it right away. :slight_smile:

Installing Maya SP2 fixed the vray plugin loading problem! We submitted your scene, and we were able to reproduce the problem. The issue was that another progress handler was conflicting with the vray one. The issue has been fixed internally, and I’ve uploaded patched MayaCmd and MayaBatch plugin files that should fix the problem. Note that these have only been tested with Deadline 5.1.

To install, go to \your\repository\plugins\MayaBatch and make a backup copy of Then unzip to the same folder. Repeat this process for MayaCmd. Then submit a new job and watch to see if the progress is reported properly.


Hi Ryan, sorry I just noticed your reply here, have been away for a few days.

Thanks for looking into this for me, I’ll pass the patch over to our IT dept and let you know how we get on with it.


That’s fixed it!
