InputGeometry and Xrefs

Using 2012 x64 pu7…

I can’t get InputGeometry to pick any xrefs, either from scene or object xrefs.
InputObject, however, seems fine.

Current workaround is to Mesher the Xref and pick that.

MAXScript strangeness:

classof $ -->XRefObject
superclassof $ --> GeometryClass
findItem GeometryClass.classes (classof $) --> 0

So XRefObject is a GeometryClass class, but is not listed in the classes array of the superclass.
We do this for speed because calling superclassof causes a stack reevaluation.
I will have to add an explicit test for XRefObject to the filter function… You can fix it yourself too if you want.

Oh, and we wouldn’t have caught this in a 1000 years since I haven’t used XRefs. Ever. They were kind of banned at Frantic & Co…

For this particular project, we could have switched to XMesh, but we didn’t. We wanted to give Xrefs another try, see if they’re better than last time. They are, but there’s still a lot of terrible in there.