Installation location

I’m about to install deadline repository and data base for the first time. I’m not familiar with deadline structure. I’m wondering if rendered file will be saved to the data base or repository folders. I have a large spin drive and a smaller ssd drive and i wonder if i should install the repository or data base on the faster or larger drive respectively. I guess i should install them on the faster drive but if these folder will be the render folder I don’t want to fill them up to fast.
any opinions on this?



Repository needs to be at a place where all the workers (machines that render) can see it. So usually a network share of some kind. The render file doesn’t necessarily go to repo, but they should be at least located so that every worker can access them. The database itself doesn’t need to be on a same machine as the repo but every worker should be able to connect to it. I’d carefully read and follow the installation guide from the manual.

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Thank you for the reply I was unsure if it would affect performance to install it on a slower drive. I guess it will a little but maybe not significantly. I am definitively following the guide.
thanks for the reply.