Installing Krakatoa 1.0.1 on Vista and/or 3ds Max 2008

There are some known issues with Windows Vista and 3ds Max 2008 that will be addressed by the next Krakatoa update:

*Installing on Windows Vista will install all files but the setup program will fail to include the path to the Krakatoa plug-in in the plugin.ini file because the file in the Max root folder cannot be saved under Vista.


Locate the local plugin.ini file in your

C:\Documents and Settings\yourname\Local Settings\Application Data\Autodesk\3dsmax\9 - 64bit\enu


C:\Documents and Settings\yourname\Local Settings\Application Data\Autodesk\3dsmax\9 - 32bit\enu

directory and include the Krakatoa plug-in location by hand, for example

Krakatoa=C:\Program Files (x86)\Frantic Films\Krakatoa\3dsMax9\x64

for the 64 bit version or

Krakatoa=C:\Program Files\Frantic Films\Krakatoa\3dsMax9\Win32

for the 32 bit version.

(Find the Krakatoa installation and copy the path from Windows Explorer)

*Adding Krakatoa to 3ds Max 2008 will fail because there is currently no plug-in folder in the Krakatoa installation for this upcoming version of the program. That being said, the 3ds Max 9 version of Krakatoa will work with 3ds Max 2008 - both the 32 and 64 bit plug-ins should be compatible with the respective builds of 3ds Max 2008.


Like explained in the previous case, simply enter the path to the Krakatoa plug-in for 3ds Max 9 (32 or 64 bit) in the plugin.ini file of your 3ds Max 2008 installation. If you are running Windows Vista, be sure to edit the plugin.ini file in your local settings.