Installing mono 2.6.7 on RHEL

hey all

we are using deadline to render nuke scripts, have it running fine on mac and windows.

A couple of out nuke boxs are linux base so we want to be able to submit from them.

Problem being is out IT guy is having a might hard time getting mono 2.6.7 installed on RHEL

we have downloaded mono from … _5/x86_64/

there are a whole lot of *.rpm files he is not quite sure how to go about installing them (not how to install rpms) no matter what order is attempted dependancies are always asked for, and it seems that it gets into a dependancy loop, you need this install to install that, you go to install that and it tells you you need this for that to be installed.

So if any kind soul out there can give a clear procedure as to get this installed it would be very much appreciated.

the link above point to all the listed files

thanks again

Edwin has put together a handy script for building Mono on CentOS, and it should work for RHEL too: … nux/CentOS


  • Ryan