Is the network traffic from client to manager one-way or is there return traffic from the manager?

Hi everyone, new to Deadline (apologies if this is posted in the wrong area) but I’ve been tasked with helping deploy a render farm (manager with 5 worker nodes) segragated from the render clients by a firewall.
Looks like all the comms are over http/https from client to render manager but the firewall team want confirmation that there is no expected comms back from the manager to the clients?
I imagine all the comms goes through stateful http(s) sessions between client and manager when a client connects but if anyone can confirm that all sessions are effectively one-way from client to manager that would be much appreciated.

@Mark_Allen I also saw this question in our ticket system opened by you, I believe you wanted to check if the Remote Connection Server initiates the communication with the client ever? I would say no the RCS server doesn’t initiate a communication with the client. The Client also initiate a request to RCS to update or pull data from the DB or the repository.

But the communication on a HTTP/HTTPs protocol is two way and would need to the Remote Connection Server to comm back to the client node for every packet. It would need three-way handshake with TLS respective of you using HTTPs or not.

@karpreet - thanks for confirming that. That matches my understanding of the comms pathways being all client initiaited, which will allow 2 way packet delivery through the http(s) session on the firewall without requiring specific inbound ports being opened to the client. Standard client-server setup.