Is there any way that allows software to skip the rendered frame?

When a job is finished, the sequence frame occasional loss. I must re-render the project. Is there any way that allows software to skip the rendered frame it?


There are some application plugins that do support ‘skip existing frames’, can I ask what applications you are using that you’d like this feature in? I can see if this is something those particular applications support, or if it’s something we do in the plugin that could be replicated to other plugins.

I need Deadline has this feature. Before rendering task to check whether the output directory has its own job files. Yes skipped.
Or before the project began scanning the output folder. Shield file already exists.
I use Deadline in 3dmax and ae

My usual workflow here is to change the task size to a single frame, then use the “scan for missing output” feature.

A little bit more information can be found here: … ering-jobs

You can likely use this feature if you submit the job as suspended, set the job to completed, then use the ‘scan for missing output’ to requeue what work really needs to be done.