job don't wanna start

Hi guys, I am flabergasted by this job… it simply don’t wanna start. I have checked and double checked the job pool, setting, group, etc… it should render…but it doesn’t!

The difference is that I am submitting this job via a python script (the script is an automated scene export, it export the selected object, create a renderscene, than submit the render scene on Deadline to generate a thumbnail image of the object.) This was working fine in Deadline 2.7, but in Deadline 3.0 it doesn’t work.

To submit I do like the maya submitter, I create the xxxx_info.job file and the xxxx_job.job then submit using the deadlinecommand.exe

I have modified the submit file making sure that all the tags are good, but it still doesn’t work.

could you take a look at the info anf job file to see if you see something fishy that would prevent my job to render… I am totally stuck on this!
003_075_999_0d049d7b.rar (131 KB)

I think I have a lead… I am using Deadline 3.1 beta on my machine connecting on a 3.0 repository… I went and run my script on a machine using 3.0 slave… and I found this. (see attachement)

It looks like the pool was corrupted… from the 3.1 monitor all was good, but on the 3.0 monitor the pool name is all wrong.

Yeah, a Deadline 3.0 slave won’t be able to render a 3.1 job, although there isn’t any problem with the reverse.


  • Ryan

ya… i figured this one out the hard way :slight_smile:

it’s all good. At least now my code is Deadline 3.0 compatible.