job properties's question

There is a check ‘limit tasks to slave’s task limit’. I did not understand the meaning of this check.
My understanding:
If selected, slave will finish the current job after all task to receive a new job task. Even if the current slave only one task is running, it will not receive other job tasks.
If not selected, slave will be below the concurrent tasks value when receiving tasks, regardless of whether the task belongs to the current job
If I say that is correct, when the slave started to prohibit the start of the plug-in is how to deal with?
How can I not check this by default?

A Slave can only render one job at a time, even if it is easily capable of more tasks. For example, if a job only has one task remaining, but the concurrent tasks are set to 16, the Slave will only work on one task until the job is done.

“Limit tasks to slave’s task limit” is an option in the job properties for when you have many machines of different capabilities. For example, let’s say you had one machine which had 32 cores, but many only had 4. In this case, having all of the machines dequeue 16 tasks would be very wasteful except for the most powerful machine.

By using that checkbox, you will clamp the maximum number of tasks the Slave is allowed to dequeue to the Slave’s task limit (by default, 32 on the powerful machine, 4 on the slow ones). The maximum number of tasks the Slave can render is 16 though because it only has 16 render threads. You can adjust this using the “Concurrent Task Limit Override” in the Slaves properties: … ml#general

thank you very much!
i have another question
If I had a 32 core machine
I set the tasks concurrent 16 other default values, this efficiency is high or I divided the 32 cores to 2 slave use efficiency?

It depends on the application. For example, V-Ray is threaded well enough that a single job is perfect.

Some applications benefit from running multiple instances, such as After Effects or Nuke.

I’d recommend experimenting with a few test scenes to see if concurrent tasks is worthwhile, and if you have enough RAM to support more processes. AE 2015.3 for example can take more than 90GB of RAM when running 8 concurrent tasks. The Slaves do show their memory and CPU usage in the Monitor, so making a custom panel layout just for testing this performance is a pretty good idea.