Job Render statistics in PostJobScript

the documentation I found almost everything I need:

        print('jobID', job.ID)
        print('name', job.Name)
        print('frames', frames)
        print('frames', str(job.JobFrames))
        print('JobPlugin', job.JobPlugin)
        print('JobStartedDateTime', str(job.JobStartedDateTime))
        print('JobSubmitDateTime', str(job.JobSubmitDateTime))
        print('outputDirectory', job.OutputDirectories[0])
        print('outputFilename', job.OutputFileNames[0])

But I was also interested in details about the time of rendering frames. Frameserve it does not make sense, but the average, maximum and minimum time frames in the render task is useful data. How to get them?

You will need to calculate the job stats object first before then querying it.

job = RepositoryUtils.GetJob(job.ID, True) tasks = RepositoryUtils.GetJobTasks(job, True) stats = JobUtils.CalculateJobStatistics(job, tasks) timeSpan = stats.AverageFrameRenderTime timeSpan = "%02dd:%02dh:%02dm:%02ds" % (timeSpan.Days, timeSpan.Hours, timeSpan.Minutes, timeSpan.Seconds) … dfab9ebe44 … entry.html

Here’s a good example to get you started: …

and how to get Plugin parameters?

in submission parameters i see in Plugin section at right:

InputFilename=r:\render_sc\episode_02\sc04\sc04_vfx002\sc04_vfx002_loc.vrscene Width=0 Height=0 Threads=0 OutputFilename=/mnt/pf/render/episode_02/sc04/sc04_vfx002/2016_01_27/sc04_vfx002_loc.exr SeparateFilesPerFrame=False CommandLineOptions=

how to get InputFilename and OutputFilename parameters? … 165db33806

job.GetJobPluginInfoKeyValue( "InputFilename" )