hi, I am trying to access the Jobs Statistics from the Monitor but it doesn’t work at all.
I have 1 queued job, 24 active, 5 suspended, 5 failed, 307 completed.
When I call the command, the progress bar in the bottom right moves a bit then stop there… after a while nothing append. And the strange thing, the monitor is still working, I can select jobs, etc. It doesn’t lock.
I would also acces the job statistics from a dos command, I have looked in the deadlineCommand.exe but couldn’t find how to do it. Is this possible?
Sylvain Berger | Technical Director | Alpha Vision
I tried the job statistics in the monitor this morning and it worked… strange that it didn’t work yesterday… maybe the network was too busy or something.
So there is no way to have the same stats as in the monitor in command line? I have to use the DeadlineCommand.exe and build my own stats?
I have tried this command:
DeadlineCommand.exe jobs -status Active
But it still output all the jobs…
Sylvain Berger | Technical Director | Alpha Vision
That’s Great news.
Sylvain Berger | Technical Director | Alpha Vision