I got doubt in submitting job to deadline.
What server and clients will behave while network rendering?
To my knowledge what I learn from usermanual is
- just hold sharing folder(repository).
- hold license (as I am running in free mode - I skipped this option to install license on the server)
- can submit job.
- render job itself as its one of the clients(slaves)
- receive final rendered images from the server
I am really confued who will do what. Can anyone explain how this procedure runs from submission to results please.
Hi Prasad,
The one thing to keep in mind is all of your job assets (textures, etc) and output paths need to be on a shared location (aka: a server). This ensures that all render nodes (whether it be one or many) can find all the assets your jobs require, and it ensures that your render nodes can save the output images. When it comes to output, Deadline will respect whatever you have setup in your project settings.
For example, if you’re submitting a Terragen job to Deadline, any assets your Terragen job uses (textures) need to be on a network location, and need to be referenced from that location. In other words, never reference texture files that are on your local machine. The output paths should also point to a network location.
Once your Terragen project is properly setup for network rendering, then you can submit the job from your workstation. It will render on the available render nodes, and the output will be written to the output location you specified.
I hope this clears things up. If you have any additional questions or concerns, let us know!
Thanks Ryan,
I solved it. Its rendering my files as accordingly you said to use shared folder over server.
I will be around to ask more Q’s as I get in my everyday practice…