Hi All, I just wanted to say that I am very satisfied and impress with flexibility and ease of customization of Deadline code, it is by far one of my favorite softwares that I utilize every day at work.
Check out this recent cool mod we’ve got running on the production floor: we have two large displays that broadcast statistical data for 3D artists so they can see what’s going on in the farm at any given time, but we like to push it to the next level so now we’ve got this smart airport display style scroll line that autonomously study farm activity and reflects key events on the farm as well as general messaging like “everyone welcome to screening room” or “rebooting license server” etc…
What I like about Deadline is that is it very easy for me to choose and execute what data gets pulled via pulse server, what data gets pushed by housecleaning callback, what gets pushed to web server php processor, what to do when new job submitted or suspended or completed, reassign DR priorities on the fly, sanity check, and this list goes on and on… so many ideas. Absolutely flexible and stable, and great support. Very happy!
Check it out:
Little mobile version driven by Raspberry Pi that 3d artist can take home and keep on the desk to see DR availability, also comes soon:
it is currently off breadboard in “beta” case and soon into final look.