[Katana 3.1] Submitter not working

We’re testing out Katana 3.1 with Deadline. Unfortunately the integrated submitter doesn’t work. It appears in the Tabs menu, but crashes when started with

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/software/katana/KatanaSubmitter/Tabs/DeadlineKatanaClient.py”, line 95, in RunSubmitter
SubmitKatanaToDeadline.PopulateSubmitter(katanaTabReference) # The pointer to the tab is sent to the submission script to be populated
File “/software/x/deadline/DeadlineRepository10/submission/Katana/Main/SubmitKatanaToDeadline.py”, line 22, in PopulateSubmitter
scrollWidget = QtGui.QWidget()
AttributeError: ‘_VirtualModule’ object has no attribute ‘QWidget’

Is that expected?

You need to upgrade to latest Deadline SP for Katana 3 support.

Hi Mike.
By SP do you mean the latest version of Deadline or?
Sorry for not understanding.


Correct. SP = Service Pack. You need at least

However, grab the latest SP as it has other Katana improvements:


Greetings Mike.

Today I updated DeadlineRepository and the clients to the latest version along with the Katana submitter.
Unfortunately I’m still getting errors even with the new stuff.

Appending “/software/x/DeadlineRepository10/submission/Katana/Main” to system path to import SubmitKatanaToDeadline module
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/software/katana/KatanaSubmitter/Tabs/DeadlineKatanaClient.py”, line 93, in RunSubmitter
import SubmitKatanaToDeadline
File “/software/x/DeadlineRepository10/submission/Katana/Main/SubmitKatanaToDeadline.py”, line 46, in <module>
QtGui.QComboBox: ( lambda uiObject, val: uiObject.setCurrentIndex( max( uiObject.findText( val ), 0 ) ) ),
AttributeError: ‘_VirtualModule’ object has no attribute ‘QComboBox’

An error occured while attempting to launch SubmitKatanaToDeadline.py. Please make sure that the Deadline Client has been installed on this machine, that the Deadline Client bin folder is set in the DEADLINE_PATH environment variable, and that the Deadline Client has been configured to point to a valid Repository.

Sorry, my bad. I was talking ahead of myself here. Upcoming Service Pack 24 contains the fix you need here.
As a quick hack, grab this zip file, unzip it, copy it over and backup the existing same-named file here: “…/your-repo/submission/Katana/Main/”

SubmitKatanaToDeadline.py.zip (11.7 KB)

That’s working. Thanks!