KATANA Submission Script - Custom Environment Variables/Custom launcher

We have a katana lanucher with custom environment variables to load tools and nodes from a network location. Where do we add these in the SubmitKatanatoDeadline.py file or how do we use our custom launcher as the executable (which already has the environment variables) in Deadline ?

Any help or documentation links appreciated. Thanks.

Siddhartha’s got a ticket going with us, but in case someone else comes across this thread in the future here’s some general advice:

Katana submitter do not capture environment, but this is possible by adding a few extra KVP’s (Key=Value pairs) to the Katana submission script. This is explained further in our manual job submission documentation in the Environment section. (https://docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/products/deadline/10.1/1_User%20Manual/manual/app-katana.html#faq)

You can also create a pre-job script to add the environment variables from an scripting API call. Documentation on API can be use to set the environment through API: https://docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/products/deadline/10.1/2_Scripting%20Reference/class_frantic_x_1_1_processes_1_1_managed_process.html#ad1e697ad26fa9f11c4d237627a6f9dc9

Documentation on Job Script: (https://docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/products/deadline/10.1/1_User%20Manual/manual/job-scripts.html#id1)

If you have any plugin, script, event, submission script customized, you can add those files to the Custom folder under DeadlineRepository10/custom directory. Deadline look for the custom folder first and then check the custom folder for the plugin python file and the script files.