KCE wish

I love it. Period…it’s incredible!

As a first quick test while playing with it i did a quick “blend colors by velocities” to achieve a similar look to what is seen in realflow:

One thing that would make it even more seriously rocking would be the ability to expose parameters to the modifier’s UI. So less
technically savy artists could have some quick controls exposed. (e.G. in this case the multiplier and the two colors…on a more
serious note when doing a z-depth flow the min and max values)

Thanks a lot and two enthusiastic thumbs up and off to some more playing :slight_smile:

Kind Regards,

Good idea, we have discussed something like that already.

In theory, it is already possible to do - Add a Custom Attribute with some spinners via the Animation>Parameter Editor to your KCM or to a holder (or any other object), then go into the KCE and use “Connect To Scene Track” to link the Input Float values to the CA spinners. The only thing that does not work well is the AUTO update - changing the spinner of a CA does not cause an immediate update of the KCM and requires either a time scrub or pressing of the UPDATE button. (Internally, the connecting is performed via script controllers which monitor the holder object for changes, but a CA does not broadcast any)

I will look into a more automated way of doing this.

Here is a quick Prototype of Float Input Exposure. Unzip and copy into your \Scripts folder in the Krakatoa installation folder. (Make a backup of the old files just in case).

*In KCE, right-click an Input Float node and select “Expose Control” - the node in KCE will get an E in front of its number in the title bar.
*Alternatively, select any number of nodes and use the Expose menu to Expose them. Only valid Float Inputs will be exposed, the rest will be ignored.
*You can Unexpose one or more at any time - the CA will be rebuilt.
*You can select all exposed Inputs using Expose>Select Exposed Nodes

*The controls will be added to a Custom Attributes rollout on the Modifier.
*You can animate their values interactively.
*I added the AUTO UPDATE button to the modifier, too, so you can turn updates on and off without opening the KCE.
*The name of the Input Node will be used as the name of the spinner.
*Changing the name of the node will update the name of the spinner. Changes to the flow like deleting nodes will not update the CAs yet, but nothing breaks.

I will work on exposing Integers and Vectors next.
Krakatoa35704SP1_Scripts_FloatInputExposure.zip (41.6 KB)

Very cool…and unsurpassed response time :slight_smile: Thanks a lot Bobo…will play with them asap!


Hey there,

just started playing with it and am loving it. But it doesnt work anymore if there is more than one KCE mod on the Loader.
There are also errors without exposing tho. Steps to reproduce:

-Add a KCE mod
-Open the Editor
-Add another KCE mod
-select the output node

Results in “-- Unable to convert: indefined to type String”

Also here’s a few more ideas/wishes for KCE:

  • Have BlackOps/PresetFlows appear in the UI (or in the right click menu, sorted by subdirectories in the respective directories)
  • Along with the first one eventually have a categorising panel with BlackOps/Ops/Presets to drag and drop from similar to NodeJoe)
  • Have Multiple BlackOps/Flow Directories (to have local personal presets/tests etc and company wide network storage for BlackOps/Presets)
  • Have a “Notes” node to add explanations to flows/Blackops rather then only with maxfiles in the modifier

Just some things that poped to my mind while playing…

Once again great job and am a happy camper :smiley:


This is unrelated to exposure. It is a bug that was there in the first build. I fixed it and will upload a new script very soon.

My answers:
-It is technically doable, but I am not crazy about building RCmenus procedurally, especially once you have hundreds of them in many categories. We will see.
-Right now there is a load button in the BlackOp which gives you a file dialog. This is a stand in, I might do something similar to the Flow loader dropdown list in the KCM. That could include a second dropdown list with categories.
-You will be able to create those yourself. Even now. In the future, if I do the above, the subfolders of the main BlackOps folder will be scanned as categories.
-Good idea, I have thought about that. Notes per node are out of the question, really tricky to handle new lines and special characters, already had issues with Script Input code. Notes per Flow/BlackOp would be easier. Notes per KCM are already implemented.

EDIT: I wanted to note that BlackOps are VERY RUDIMENTARY at this point. Sort of like a Proof Of Concept. There should be better support for expanding single BlackOps, possibly editing in-place and saving back without the need to Explode and rebuild and so on. I wouldn’t use them at this point… :wink:

Thanks for the feedback!

Here is the updated script with Float, Vector and Integer support and fixed bugs when dealing with multiple KCMs.
Note that changing the exposed spinners does not update the color swatch in the KCE interactively yet.
Krakatoa35704SP2_Scripts_FloatInputExposure.zip (42.2 KB)

Great ! Of to play right away :slight_smile:

This update adds BlackOps display in the Depot.

*By default, any saved KCB files in the default BlackOps folder will be displayed as buttons in the Depot.
*You can disable them via the View>Depot Display menu.
*Dragging any saved BlackOp except for the original BlackOp button (which is brighter red) will create the saved BlackOp without file prompt.
*You can now see the full name of the Depot Node by selecting it without dragging - the name will be shown in the bottom right corner of the schematic view.
*Saving a new BlackOp should update the Depot immediately.

Next to come - Categories via sub-folders.
Krakatoa35704SP3_Scripts_BLOPdepot.zip (42.5 KB)

Great Stuff :slight_smile: Thanks a lot Bobo!
