KCM's on PF Source

Can you use KCM’s on PF sources directly without using a PRT loader?


Yes, if the PF Source is the only system in the scene, or you don’t mind the KCMs applied to other systems, you can use the Global Channels Overrides which affect any particle loading for rendering.
There are some caveats, for example Position data is in World Space as opposed to Object space in local KCMs, but that can be taken care of with some Transform operators.

But in general, it is a better idea to dump the PFLow to PRT and then use PRT Loaders.

We might provide an object that snapshots a PFlow system directly (like the PRT Volume, but for particle systems) to allow for KCMs on the local stack.

I was trying out Box#3’s Disk Cache Operator and it was already cached out. (Now I need to see if PRT loaders can load PF Box#3’s cache files?)