Krakatoa doesn't save global KCMs in presets

Krakatoa doesn’t save global KCMs/magmaflows in render persets presets. Not sure if that is by design but i would expect it to store a preset including global overrides. Everything is checked when I save a preset inside of krakatoa.


Global KCMs are part of the scene - they are modifiers added to a special class of scene object.
Render Presets save only the renderer settings. Similar to how Max Render Presets save only the paramblocks of the current renderer and the common settings, but no scene objects data. I guess it would be possible to dump the flow data used by these modifiers into the preset, but then loading a preset would be making changes to the scene objects, and I don’t particularly like that idea.
But I get where you are coming from. Will think about it.

Cool! THX.
I have multiple KCM for different gradients. would like to save presets like “Velocity/AgeGradient” and it loads everything toggles on that was active in krakatoa when the preset was saved…

Just thought I would +1 that

Ah, that is different. So you would be ok if the preset stored what was ACTIVE at the time of saving, as opposed to the actual flow that was used and the objects that stored it?
That would be a bug fix, since presets are supposed to restore what is active in the UI, including which of the existing Global Override Holders is active and which of its modifiers are active. Will take a look.