Krakatoa and Stereoscopic

Hey guys… just wanted to ask if anyone has made any stereoscopic images using krakatoa and any major issues in doing so.

I am planning on giving it ago but just waiting on the setup to be sorted

cheers :smiley:

There’s no issues to speak of, but there are some things to be aware of.

PCache, LCache, rendering to emission, etc. will speed up the second eye, of course, so you could leverage that to speed things up. Anything camera dependent, however, like fresnel, reflections, etc. will need to be processed independently, but LCache handles this.

Voxel rendering will present a slightly different set of planes to the cameras. It’s minor, but something to be aware of.

Ahh thanks for the heads up… makes sense :smiley:

Well my glasses should arrive in the next few days then i shall get cracking on with it. Going to use Louis Marcoux’s script to start with and see how it goes… thanks again :slight_smile: