krakatoa Birth Script and Viewport Multiplier


After using krakatoa birth script, I loaded the particle into the scene. It seems the particles loaded by the krakatoa birth script can’t be controlled via viewport quantity multiplier. Is there anyway to control the amount of particles loaded by Krakatoa birth in the viewport. Another question is it possible to increase the amount of the particles loaded by K. birth.


Currently, we force a 100% multiplier on the amount of particles loaded. There are some issues between the way particle flow assigns ID when this value is changed, and the way we use IDs to keep track of which particles get updated with which information. We’ve had a few requests to support different values for the multiplier, though, and we have some ideas that will be implemented in a future release to support this.

If you want less particles in the flow, one option at the moment would be to use a Split Amount operator to send particles out to an event with a Delete operator. While this won’t save you much time on birthing particles, it will cut down on the amount of particles that remain in the flow for subsequent operations.