Krakatoa Deadline Error

I am using the free version of deadline, the folder permissions are all set up right and i still get this error. can anyone help me? i’m trying to use partitions in Krakatoa

I looked at the code that causes these error messages. It appears that Krakatoa finds the Deadline Submitter in the bin folder, asks for the Repository path and then tries to load the SMTDFunctions file from the repository, causing an error in the process.

*Have you tried launching the Submit Max To Deadline script that comes with Deadline itself? Does it launch correctly?
*Could you try executing the following line of code in a MAXScript editor and tell me what you are getting back?

getIniSetting (Krakatoa_PresetsDirectory + "\\KrakatoaPreferences.ini") "Deadline" "LastRepositoryPath"

It looks like the error messaging of that portion of the code could use some improvements.
I have attached a version of the KrakatoaGUI with slightly enhanced error messaging.
Please do the following:

*Locate the Krakatoa installation folder in your Program Files folders.
*Navigate to the \Krakatoa\Scripts\ subfolder
*Back up the “” file.
*Unzip the “” file from the attached ZIP file into that folder.
*Launch 3ds Max.
*Open the Max Main Menu > “Krakatoa” menu > “Open the Krakatoa Log window” and in the “Edit”>“Logging Level” menu, set to “Logging Debug”.
*Open the Krakatoa GUI, expand the Partitioning rollout and if necessary, force the loading of Deadline.
*Watch the Log Window for new info - let’s see if it will tell us more about the cause of the failure to load.
KrakatoaGUI_20101125.rar (99.9 KB)