Krakatoa Konkylie


I have just uploaded my latest experiment to Vimeo -

WARNING: It’s rather psychedelic… :slight_smile:


Looks awesome, can we put it on the Thinkbox Software News page?

Can you also provide more details about the creation of the video and the use of Krakatoa in it? (like particle counts, workflow details, other applications used etc.)

Thanks Bobo! And yes, please feel free to put it on the news page :slight_smile:

Here’s a quick summary of the workflow:

40,000 particles were positioned, colored and animated using custom box#3 data operators.

The resulting PRT loader was displaced slightly using David Lanier’s physical ocean shader and rendered with 20 frames of multi-pass motionblur.

Shine effect added in AE using Trapcode Shine with noise on the source point.

Finally the animation was mirrored and spiced up with an overlay of a kaleidoscopic Rose Range Lite formula from Ultrafractal.

For more information on the box#3 operators used, please refer the Superflow Bachelor Thesis by Ian Clemmer.
