Krakatoa Motion Blur Bias issue!

same for Krakatoa version 2.0.2 and 2.1.3

there is an issue here with the “Motion Blur Bias” button, the value are always on even if the Motion blur button is disabled.

Thanks for your report!

Can you please provide a clear step-by-step instruction how to reproduce the problem? Illustrations would be a bonus! :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance for any additional info!

Yes of course,

We saw the problem because we use a matte object, 2 different rendering, one is Krakatoa for particles with matte objects on and second is default scanline for object, for some reason, the user applies for testing, different settings of motion blur in krakatoa Ui, and is put number 1 to the Motion blur Bias, after some render, he decide to put MB off, the Motion blur Bias is still at 1 but the field is disable. When he render both elements, one is particles and second is objects, and comp it, the krakatoa particle render have no motion blur but the motion blur bias are applied to it, you can see an offset. The 2 elements are not match in comp.

You can see the issue only if you render with camera motion if you switch to perspective view, the bug is not there because the cam have no motion.


Got it. We will have to discuss internally to see if this is a UI defect (the spinner should not be grayed out if its value is used by the matte objects even when MBlur is off), or a core bug (the value should not be applied when MBlur is off). I suspect it is a UI-level error. That would be rather easy to fix.
Thanks for the report!

We decided to remove the graying out UI code and leave the ability to apply bias to the mattes even when MBlur is off.
We feel it gives the user more flexibility and it is also easier to fix :wink:
I have logged it and it will be fixed in the next build, but if you want to know how to fix it yourself, I could tell you what script line to remark… :wink:

cool, good news, yes of course, tell me the line of code.


In the \Krakatoa\Scripts\ file, locate the line

btn_blurBiasPresets.enabled = btn_blurShutterPresets.enabled = btn_motionBlurPresets.enabled = spn_blurBias.enabled = spn_blurShutter.enabled = ckb_deformationMotionBlur.enabled = chk_useMatteSegments.enabled = spn_motionBlurSegments.enabled = ckb_jitteredMotionBlur.enabled = ckb_enableMotionBlur.checked
and change it to

btn_blurShutterPresets.enabled = btn_motionBlurPresets.enabled = spn_blurShutter.enabled = ckb_deformationMotionBlur.enabled = chk_useMatteSegments.enabled = spn_motionBlurSegments.enabled = ckb_jitteredMotionBlur.enabled = ckb_enableMotionBlur.checked

In my current version this is on line 4913, but YMMV depending on the Krakatoa version you are running…

Thanks a lot!