Krakatoa PRT hair Problem

am using krakatoa to render hair put it happened in some cases i get the particles not on hair it self as it should
it seams offset most of the inside the the objects
and this effect the render and the dos not appear at the frame as am using the matte object option
can i get some hints about the reason of this and if someone could figure a solve
here screen shot for what I mean

PRT Hair’s own transforms are always applied to the resulting Hair, so the location of the PRT Hair’s icon matters A LOT.
It also behaves differently depending on whether you are sourcing Max Hair & Fur, or a spline, Ornatrix etc.

When the hair source is the Max Hair and Fur, the PRT Hair object will get its data in WORLD space. So unless the PRT Hair is placed EXACTLY at the world origin, it won’t align. For example,

*Create a Teapot at 0,0,0
*Add Hair&Fur WSM
*From the Krakatoa Menu, select “Create PRT Hair…”
RESULT: The PRT Hair is placed at the origin, the hair is also at the origin, the two align.

*Select the Teapot, move it to -100,0,0 along the -X.
*Advance the Time Slider to frame 1 to force an update
RESULT: The Hair will follow and match the transformed Hairy Potter because the PRT Hair is still at the world origin.

  • Now move the PRT Hair to 100,0,0 along the +X axis.
  • Move the Time Slider back to frame 0 to force an update
    RESULT: The PRT Hair still gets the data in world space, but then applies a transform of 100 translation along X, and the hair ends up at the world origin!

This is different in cases where the hair data comes in object space.
For example, if you create a Spline and pick it as the source of the PRT Hair, you need to align the PRT Hair to the Transforms of the Spline itself to get a correct alignment. Placing the PRT Hair at the world origin won’t work in that case, the hair will appear in world space where it is in object space on the spline. And this applies to Ornatrix hair too, IIRC. Anything you pick as “Spline Node” option will require the PRT Hair to be aligned to the hair source - in fact, the PRT Hair menu item aligns the PRT Hair object automatically to the source in that case. If the object is animated over time, one could link the PRT Hair to the source so they stay aligned during the animation…

I suspect your are using Max Hair&Fur and your PRT Hair is not at the World Origin.
Or if you are using one of the Hair plugins, your PRT Hair is not aligned to the pivot of the hair source object.
This can happen easily if you create your PRT objects using the Create tab of the Command Panel instead of using the Krakatoa Menu or Toolbar Icons.