krakatoa PRT update do not update :)


my question may goes to BoBo. thx first!

my workflow is : use prt loader to load prt files written by houdini,then want to convert prt source to a normal pf source,at last use afterburn to pick it up.

when use prt birth and prt update op, the pf particle follow krakatoa source at very first frames,then it stoped. dont know why :slight_smile:

krakatoa source is like this shape

A couple of things to consider:

*Do the particles have an ID channel?
*Do the particles die over time?

If you have no ID channel, the order of the particles in the files (their Index) will be used to match one frame to the next and it can lead to problems. If later frames contain less particles than earlier ones, many particles will stop being updated due to lack of data.

If your particles don’t live forever but die over time, you need to add a Krakatoa ID Test operator and send out the dead particles to a new Event with a Delete operator in it, as shown in our documentation. Otherwise dead particles will accumulate but won’t be updated.

Without knowing your PRT files’ contant, I cannot tell what exactly is going on, but this should give you some ideas…

I indeed output ID 32bit att with exporter,but seems krakatoa loader dont pick it up.
Bobo pls check my prt file
1.rar (1.94 MB)

The channel names in Krakatoa are case-sensitive. Your files have a channel “id” where Krakatoa is looking for “ID”. For more information on channel names, please refer to:

If you don’t want to resave these files, you can fix them by adding a KCM on top of your PRT Loader that copies the “id” channel into the “ID” channel. Then your Krakatoa PRT Update operator will show the ID channel and there will peace on earth. Well, one of those at least.

Nope, you output “id” 32 bit, not “ID”. Channel Names are Case Sensitive, so your “id” is not being recognized…
I fixed it temporarily by adding a KCM with “id”->“ID” flow, thus producing a valid channel out of the invalid one.
Just try resaving the PRTs with the capitalized “ID” channel and it should work.
Don’t forget to add all 3 operators (Birth, Update, ID Test->Delete) and to check the capitalized “ID” channel in the Krakatoa PRT Update to get the PFlow to follow exactly…

[EDIT: Darcy was faster, and brought more peace, too :smiley:)

I win this race Bobo!

The cold makes you faster. I suspect that Winnipeg is approaching absolute zero… :astonished:


LOL Toss your PC out the window and start overclocking, -38 ought to get you another ghz or two :smiley:

lolz u two guys. :mrgreen:

seems pflow does not emit particle 100% exactly as prt source,I display pflow as disk.see pic.
and I upload max file here. use max2011.

The default settings of PFlow are 50% Viewport, 100% Render. So if you are running at defaults, only half of the particles will be actually created in the viewport (don’t ask me why this is the default, it makes no sense. 10% would make sense. 50% is not low enough to speed things up, but enough to confuse new users :wink:)

Look under PF_Source, Emission, Quantity Multiplier.

It works for me here with your data (but I don’t have 2011 to open your scene so I used mine).

sorry its a dumb question. I havent used 3dmax for very long time