Krakatoa Realflow Align

at home I dont usually have a problem importing realflow particles to 3dsmax with prt loader, but here at work, they are flipped and I am not sure how to get them to the same position

rotating the xyz axis 180 degrees does not seem to work

any suggestions?

What version of Krakatoa do you run at work? We fixed this in 1.6.0 so that BIN files are transformed automatically when saving and loading.

i thought so!

just checked

ill ask IT to update :slight_smile:

And what about prt from real flow 2013? I’m importing prt created from real flow and it comes with flipped axis.
The very same sim with bin is correct.
My quick solve was use node transform position and align it to 0,0,0 but i think this should be automatically, right?


As far as I know it’s because Realflow hasn’t updated their PRT version. I ran into this same problem. A quick solution is to just re-cache out the .bin sequence in the PRT loader with Krakatoa and then re-load it back in through a PRT loader.

RealFlow still writes to the PRT 1.0 file format. It is up to them to decide how to write the data, and they elect to save it in their own left-handed Y-up space (Max is right-handed Z-up, Maya is right-handed Y-up). This is totally ok because PRT 1.0 never enforced a specific mandatory coordinate system.

In the PRT 1.1 file format we introduced last year, additional metadata can be provided to encode the coordinate system and the scaling of the source, so the PRT Loader in another application could perform the transformations as needed and ensure the data comes un-flipped and in the right units.

When loading BIN files, we know in advance they are in Y-up left-handed space (since they are native RealFlow files), and we perform the necessary transformations (different ones in KMX, KMY and KC4D) to adjust. No scaling is being applied to adjust the scene scale. Also note that if the RealFlow simulation used a geometry scale factor different than 1.0, the Velocity channel in the BIN file will be incorrect (not scaled accordingly).