When I install deadline launcher as a service, it always says the status is “starting.” I’m running it in the farm account, not system.
We’ve had a couple of people report this problem. As far as we can tell, it doesn’t affect the launcher service itself, but regardless it’s logged as a bug and is something we’ll be looking at for the next release.
- Ryan
Also, It doesn’t work under the system account. Something with the paths gets messed up. I haven’t figured out which one, but I think its the %temp% variable.
The issue has been fixed internally, and will be included in the next release.
We are experiencing the same issue.
We were currently testing deadline as service for optimizing our workstations usage during nights and weekends.
Is there any chance to get a fix before next release ?
Maybe next release is very close
It’s still “running” in this state, it just doesn’t communicate with Windows that it is no longer “starting”. The next release is probably still a couple of months away, but you should still be able to run Deadline as a service in the meantime.
- Ryan
Ok, nice to know.
What I’m going to setup is to setup service for unlogged workstation and stop service and deadline server with simple policies.
When user is not logged onto is workstation, deadline is the main controller with the service (turn on and shutdown machine).
When log on, I’ll use this simple command to stop service and stop Deadline server :
net stop “Deadline Launcher Service”
taskkill /IM deadlineslave.exe
When log off, I’ll use those commands to restart the service:
net start “Deadline Launcher Service”
Do you think it will work with the current service issue ?
I need deadline stop controlling shutdown restarts when user are working and it’s the only solution I found.
Maybe there is another way ?
Hope to be clear, my English is a little bit rusty.
That’s a good question. I have noticed that you cannot control the Deadline service from the Windows Services interface because it’s stuck in the “starting” phase, so I imagine there would be issues with net start/stop as well.
We are going to try very hard to get a new 5.1 beta out next week that fixes this issue. I would definitely recommend joining so that you can get your hands on it. We’ll need a signed NDA though, so if you would like to join, please shoot an email to support@thinkboxsoftware.com. I’ll keep an eye out for it, and then send you the necessary beta information.
- Ryan
net stop ans start doesn’t work either, would be nice to get a beta, I’ll try to contact support@thinkbox…
I’m out of the office tomorrow, but I really appreciate your concern and responsiveness.
Best regards.