I’m interested to know what strategies people are using for launching sub-versions of their software. For Nuke, it provides Render Executable paths for 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, all the way up to …10.3, and 10.4. But what happens if, like us, you need to manage something like Houdini and Mantra, where the only options available are for integer version numbers; …12, 13, 14, 15? In our pipeline, on one job we might want to use Houdini 15.0.233, but on a completely different job, we might need to use 15.0.416.
Are people generally writing their own launcher scripts and putting that into the Render Executable path? For example:
\\myserver\software\deadline\launcher.bat houdini
If so, is there a way to pass environment variables to them so that the correct version of Houdini or Mantra can be launched?
Or is it possible to use environment variables in the Render Executeable path itself? For example:
C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 15.${HOUDINI_MINOR_VERSION}.${HOUDINI_PATCH_VERSION}\bin\mantra.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\Side Effects Software\Houdini 15.${HOUDINI_MINOR_VERSION}.${HOUDINI_PATCH_VERSION}\bin\mantra.exe
or to adapt the launcher script example I just gave (assuming arguments work??)…
\\myserver\software\deadline\launcher.bat houdini 15.{HOUDINI_MINOR_VERSION}.${HOUDINI_PATCH_VERSION}
I noticed that Deadline has the ability to make a copy of the submitter’s environment, so I was thinking that if we set up the application environment to contain the correct version number of the application, then these variables could potentially be picked up by a launcher script to run the correct version automatically.
How’s everyone else tackling this issue? I’m still developing my understanding of Deadline, so apologies if this is already covered somewhere.