Hi !
I’m running a bunch of commands through LaunchProgram().
Is it possible to handle it’s stdoutput using usual RegExp’s placed in .dlinit ? It’s not working for me …
When I was running rendering through RunManagedProcess(), all my RegExps worked OK.
Some more details (fragments):
my .dlinit file contains:
OutputRegEx1=.*Received signal 11.*
OutputRule1=FailRender( GetRegExMatch(0) );
OutputRegEx2=ERROR.*|error.*|RIB error.*|.*Unable to find shader.*|.*Unable to find out device.*|.*3DL ERROR.*
OutputRule2=FailRender( GetRegExMatch(0) );
RenderTasks=ExecuteScriptFile( "RenderTasks.ffs" );
Rendering takes place in RenderTasks.ffs
rFile= OpenFile(renderScriptFile, "r" );
for( i = 0; i < 1; i = i )
if( EndOfFile( rFile ) )
cmdline = ReadLineFromFile( rFile );
parline = ReadLineFromFile( rFile );
LogInfo(cmdline .. " " .. parline);
LaunchProgram(-1, cmdline, parline, renderScriptDir);