License error notification

I have our email notification set up to contact me with any issues with Deadline. Over the weekend our license server crapped out yet I was never notified by Deadline. There seems to be a specific section for notification with license errors. This seems like a bug but I want to be sure before reporting it. Is losing connection to the license server considered a license error?



Hello James,

We are going to need to test, but if we can reproduce we need to submit it as bug. Can you send your slave log from one where this happened?

Hi Dwight, I’ve attached the slave log form the day our license server went down.

deadlineslave-CAWS7-2015-08-23-0000.rar (587 KB)

Hello James,

In doing some research, I think this is a bug that you have found as the slave licensing line in my repo options’ notifications section did not seem to want to save the address. I have a dev looking into this now. In the meantime, can you confirm if this is line is retaining the address?

I have the notifications going to my cell # and Deadline does have my number saved in the Slave License Errors line.

Hello James,

Sorry, if I understand correctly, you are trying to have Deadline text or call you if there is a problem? Or is it the email address for your phone?

I’m guessing you’re using the e-mail to text bridge goodness.

We need to figure out our problem before we figure out yours… I’ve filed a bug report for our first problem (which may be related), then we’ll get into yours.

Sorry guys, holiday. :slight_smile:

So yes, you are both correct I’m using the email to text thingy. It works very well for things such as failed jobs and crashed slaves. But we’ve been having a lot of server issues lately which is affecting our licensing. I have it set to email(text) me when there is a licensing error, but I have yet to receive one.

Hello James,

So I had our devs look into this and they found out that while the field can be set, there is nothing in the software that will actually use that field. This should be fixed in a future build.

Hah! Well I’m glad I stumbled into that. Thanks for the update Dwight!