i thought if this camera can do it, im sure thinkbox software can make it happen as well right?
“The light field is a core concept in imaging science, representing fundamentally more powerful data than in regular photographs. The light field fully defines how a scene appears. It is the amount of light traveling in every direction through every point in space – it’s all the light rays in a scene. Conventional cameras cannot record the light field.”
check out this unbelievable camera
“The light field sensor captures the color, intensity and vector direction of the rays of light. This directional information is completely lost with traditional camera sensors, which simply add up all the light rays and record them as a single amount of light.”
imagine as a new CG file format, could change our industry as well! and apparently image sizes arent much bigger than normal cameras
that would be amazing
–sorry for the spam but i thought this somehow applies to krakatoa,
“capturing” each prticle as light vector and turning it into these images