LighWave 9.3 Supported ?

Can we youse 9.3 version with DL

Yes, the plugin patch for 2.7.29178 that was released yesterday should

ensure that you have no problems rendering with LW 9.3:


Ok . thanks. But i have 1 problem.

With Plugins.

Ok now i have 2 systems , WinXP 32 bit on C:

and 64 B : on D:

In plugin setting way to rendering for 3d ma x is C:\program Files \ 3dmax. … .

but 64 bit Max is installed on D:\Program Files.

Sow When i’m rendering something in 3d max it olwways is colling 32 bit Max , not 64 bit max.

What can i do with it. Thanks.

In the 3dsmax plugin configuration (where you specify the 3dsmax render

executable to use for rendering), you can specify multiple paths which

are separated by semicolons. Deadline will use the first render

executable that it finds to exit. In your case, you would specify

something like this:

C:\Program Files…\3dsmax.exe;D:\Program Files…\3dsmax.exe;

When you submit the 3dsmax job, you have the option to force a

particular build of max (32 bit or 64 bit), or to not force a build at

all. If you specify 64 bit, then Deadline will search the above list for

the first 64 bit executable it finds and will use that.


Ok but . We change this , but client are locking for rendering in old location. What i need to do to refresh clients information ? Because client didn’t get information about new location of 3dmax

You could try restarting the slaves to see if that helps. Also make sure

that the build of 3dsmax specified in the submission dialog is correct.

If this is set to 32 bit, the 32 bit version of max will be used,

regardless of the order of render executables in the plugin configuration.


Restart did’t helps. Sow what can i make. The way is ok. with 32 bit its ok. But when im getting 64 bit it can not found way

Can you post the render log from the first task of one of these jobs? I

just want to see if there is any helpful info in there. Just right-click

on the task in the Monitor and select Task Reports -> View Log Reports.

I need the log from the first task because it should contain details

about the render executable being used.


Error Message

Error initializing 3ds max plugin: No 64 bit file found in the semicolon separated list “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\3dsmax.exe;C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\3dsmax.exe” (RenderExecutable)

Slave Log

] auxiliaryFileNames)

at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.RenderCurrentTask()


---- October 05 2007 – 12:23 AM ----

Scheduler Thread - Plugin loaded in 0 seconds.

0: Loaded job: Untitled (00a_100_o_00d048d9)

0: INFO: job file: c:\deadline\slave\jobsData\00a_100_o_00d048d9.job

0: INFO: Forcing 64 bit version of Max 9

Scheduler Thread - Render Thread 0 threw an error:

Scheduler Thread - Error initializing 3ds max plugin: No 64 bit file found in the semicolon separated list “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\3dsmax.exe;C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\3dsmax.exe” (RenderExecutable)

Exception Details
RenderPluginException -- Error initializing 3ds max plugin: No 64 bit file found in the semicolon separated list "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\3dsmax.exe;C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\3dsmax.exe" (RenderExecutable)
RenderPluginException.Cause: JobError (2)
Exception.TargetSite: Void StartJob(System.String[])
Exception.Source: DeadlinePluginLoader
at Deadline.Plugins.PluginLoader.StartJob(String[] auxiliaryFilenames)
at Deadline.Plugins.Plugin.StartJob(String jobUniqueName, String[] auxiliaryFileNames)
at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.RenderCurrentTask()

---- October 05 2007 -- 12:42 AM ----
Scheduler Thread - Plugin loaded in 0 seconds.
0: Loaded job: Untitled (00a_100_o_00d048d9)
0: INFO: job file: c:\deadline\slave\jobsData\00a_100_o_00d048d9.job
0: INFO: Forcing 64 bit version of Max 9
Scheduler Thread - Render Thread 0 threw an error:
Scheduler Thread - Error initializing 3ds max plugin: No 64 bit file found in the semicolon separated list "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\3dsmax.exe;C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\3dsmax.exe" (RenderExecutable)

Error Type

Error Stack Trace
at Deadline.Plugins.PluginLoader.StartJob(String[] auxiliaryFilenames)
at Deadline.Plugins.Plugin.StartJob(String jobUniqueName, String[] auxiliaryFileNames)
at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.RenderCurrentTask()

Thanks for the report. You said earlier in this thread that the 64 bit

build of 3dsmax was installed on D: right? I’m asking because the

current render executable list in the 3dsmax9 plugin configuration is

only pointing to install locations on the C:, as shown in the error message:

No 64 bit file found in the semicolon separated list “C:\Program

Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\3dsmax.exe;C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3ds

Max 9\3dsmax.exe”

You have to add the path to the 64 bit 3dsmax.exe executable to this

list before it will work. This can be done from the Deadline Monitor

while in super user mode. Select Tools -> Configure Plugins, then select

3dsmax9 from the list of the left. Here is where you can specify the

path(s) to the render executable. Just add a semicolon, followed by the

path to your 64 bit render executable, to the end of this list, then

press OK. Your new list should look something like:

“C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\3dsmax.exe;C:\Program Files

(x86)\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\3dsmax.exe;D:\path\to\64bit\3dsmax.exe”

After you have made this change, then restart your slave applications

and try rendering again.


Ok but in changes that i made in plugin configuration is not make change for slaves. Slaves are uthing old configuration. What is manual way to update this information for slaves. i restart slave and also monotor no result .


When modifying the plugin configuration, you’re actually modifying a

file in the repository (which all the slaves have access to), so you

don’t need to manually update this information for each slave. It sounds

like the changes you’re making aren’t actually being committed, which

could be a permissions issue. First, make sure that the repository share

is setup so that Everyone has read/write permissions:

You can also try editing the configuration file for 3dsmax9 manually.

Just open up \your\repository\plugins\3dsmax9\3dsmax9.dlinit and find

this line:


This is the setting that you are modifying from the plugin

configuration, so you can simply change the line to look like this

(watch for wrapping, it all has to be on one line):

RenderExecutable=C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max

9\3dsmax.exe;C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3ds Max


Then save the file. Now you should be good to go.
