Linux Deadline Respoitory install errors


I am getting an error when running the DeadlineRepository install:
Cannot open assembly ‘DeadlineRepository_x86_64’: File does not contain a valid CIL image.

I have tried Ubuntu 9 and Suse 11.3, I have installed mono1, mono2, and mono 2.3 and have gotten the
same error every time. I have tried 4.1SP1 and 4.1.

Is mono the correct way to extract the .exe for the linux install?



Hi David,

I’ve already responded to your support ticket, but I’ll include my response here as well.

You actually don’t need to use Mono to run the repository installer. It’s recommended that it be installed because some parts of the installer use Mono, but the Linux installer itself is a standard *nix executable file. So if you’re running it from the command line, just do it like any other executable:



  • Ryan

I was just thinking that I’m doing something wrong and now saw that I’m doing exactly as described.
I wanted to try out deadline repository intalation on linux, fedora core 13, and what I’mdoing is kinda standard:
and then ./DeadlineRepository_x86_64

but then get message:
bash: ./DeadlineRepository_x86_64: Permission denied

Any idea what I’m missing?
I’ve tried both loged with my user and as root same thing.


Check the file properties of DeadlineRepository_x86_64 to make sure it can be run as an executable. The following should do the trick as well:

chmod 777 DeadlineRepository_x86_64


  • Ryan

That is it! :slight_smile:
I’m pretty new to linux still getting used to it. Thanks for the tip. Gonna try it out now!

One solution and more problems :slight_smile:
Installation of repository went fine but there wasn’t option to setup DeadlineRepository folder Location?

Under Applications > Deadline Repository there is only one option, Uninstall Deadline Repository.

Then I’ve installed client as well to check that out (had to install mono, no problems there), installation finished, rebooted system…
But still only that uninstall option under application menu.

Repository setup wizard never started after installation of repository.
Any ideas, did I miss something

In order for the Repository Setup Wizard to run during a Linux installation, you need Mono installed on the machine: … _Installer

I should note though that the Repository Setup Wizard does not automatically set up the folder share like it does on Windows, so you have to do this manually after installing the Repository. The rest of settings you could configure from the Repository Wizard can configured from the Monitor while in Super User Mode. Just select Tools -> Configure Repository.

Our linux client installations use a generic installer, so it’s normal for the menu items for the various applications to not be created. You can create shortcuts though, or just open a terminal and run the following:

deadlinelauncher -slave
deadlinelauncher -monitor


  • Ryan