linux error

hi ryan, it seems that now i can install deadline on linux box…and on win too…butin my test i still get a problem…
i m surely guilty…couse managing a linux box is not easy…and i can easily create shit on it:) so…

i install the script as root…
i get it installed with no error…but later when i try to run deadlineslave with th linux user and not as root…
i get this error:

Deadline Slave 3.0 [v3.0.33353 R]
slave initialization beginning.
Repository time: 02/25/2009 12:14:05
Info Thread - Created.
Exception in Gtk# callback delegate
Note: Applications can use GLib.ExceptionManager.UnhandledException to handle the exception.
System.InvalidProgramException: can not call Slave.Shutdown() when Slave.Mode is Initializing
at Deadline.Slaves.Slave.Shutdown () [0x00000]
at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveManager.ShutdownSlave () [0x00000]
at DeadlineSlave.SlaveMainWindow.SlaveMainWindow_Unrealized (System.Object sen der, System.EventArgs e) [0x00000]
at GLib.Signal.voidObjectCallback (IntPtr handle, IntPtr data) [0x00000]
at GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException(System.Exception e, Boolean is_terminal)
at GLib.Signal.voidObjectCallback(IntPtr handle, IntPtr data)
at GLib.Signal.voidObjectCallback(IntPtr , IntPtr )
at Gtk.Object.gtk_object_destroy(IntPtr )
at Gtk.Object.gtk_object_destroy(IntPtr )
at Gtk.Object.Destroy()
at Gtk.Widget.Destroy()
at FranticXGtk.Forms.MainForm.CloseForm()
at FranticX.Applications.ApplicationManager.StartupException(System.Exception e)
at DeadlineSlave.DeadlineSlaveApp.Main(System.String[] args)
[tikal@minerva ~]$

what i did wrong…what can i do…to solve this? i already tried reinstalling the slave…not all the centos 5.2…

or is it right that i start the slave as root?

thanks again for your answer


When you installed Mono, did it complain about any missing dependencies? Also, which version of Mono do you have installed? The last version of Mono that Deadline 3.0 was tested against was 1.9.1.

In Deadline 3.1, we are moving away from GTK, so this type of error won’t even occur in the next release.


  • Ryan

i have mono 1.9.1 …now i was testing the gtk-sharp2 stuff/…
but i still miss something…even if everything is there couse deadline start as slave but not as user…
so will be som permission shit stiilll out of order…