Hello support!
i use deadline 3.1 - on one computer (Monitor) and on another(slave).
One have 8 CPU cores, and another - have 4 Cores.
What wrong. The first Linux do render with mayabatch - with 8 cores, also MayaCMD use 8 cores, but another - use only TWO cores, instead 4.
In monitor i see 50% CPU loading. Then i setup linux and deadline on another Quad Core - and… I see same problem! I can`t now setup 3 nodes, because not have yet…
I just want to ask:
1. this is MayaBATCH (MayaCMD) issue, or this deadline problem ?
2. this is MayaBATCH for Linux problem ? May be i need another distro (another glibc and etc)
3. this is a normal because i dont use some secret Maya superCommandLine keys ? (maxya is super-programm, i know.)
I not good skilled in maya, i just make tests, for creating renderfarm. I need to setup ONE node, then cloning all another.
Thanks for any possible help!