Hi Russell and all,
Sorry if this is documented somewhere, but is it possible to load my own .dlls into Deadline?
I’ve built a small DLL to access a Windows API that’s not part of .NET, and it loads and runs fine under ipy.exe. However, when I try to run it with ExecuteScript, I get the attached error dialog. I tried signing my assembly with a “strong name key file” but that didn’t change anything.
Note from the output that even under deadlinecommand ExecuteScript, I can load the dll and extract the class from it; it’s only when I try to call into the class that the error panel is invoked.
After trying what’s documented here, I also tried placing the DLL in a directory that’s already on the Python include path defined in the repository, and then not doing the sys.path.append; it didn’t make any difference.
If it makes any difference I’m under Deadline 4.x, Windows XP64, and compiled the DLL for .NET Framework 2.0.
Test Script
[code]import Deadline.Scripting
from Deadline.Scripting import *
from Deadline.Scripting.ScriptUtils import LogText
import os
import os.path
import sys
def main(*args):
LogText(“Entry; arguments are %s”%(’ '.join(args)))
if len(args) != 2:
LogText(“No good! Must get exactly two arguments, src and dst”)
import clr
LogText(“clr imported”)
LogText(“Directory appended to path”)
LogText(“clr AddReference called”)
import DotNetHelper
LogText(“Assembly imported via python import”)
from DotNetHelper import MyClass
LogText(“Class name imported”)
LogText(“Trying to call with %s , dst %s”%(args[0],args[1]))
result = MyClass.Create(args[0],args[1])
LogText(“Called MyClass.Create, result was %r”%result)
DOS Shell Session
C:\svn\leo.hourvitz\trunk>"c:\Program Files\Prime Focus\Deadline\bin\deadlinecommand.exe" ExecuteScript H:\leo.hourvitz\LocalDeadlineRepository\scripts\General\TestDotNetHelper.py c:\tmp\test.mov c:\tmp\test2.mov
Entry; arguments are c:\tmp\test.mov c:\tmp\test2.mov
clr imported
clr AddReference called
Assembly imported via python import
Class name imported
Trying to call with c:\tmp\test.mov , dst c:\tmp\hardLinkToTest2.mov
---Security dialog appears here ----
c:\svn\leo.hourvitz\trunk >