long startup time

Hi Ryan, thanks for the offer. I just applied. I am looking forward to help you guys out.

Ok, upgraded to the new beta and the startup times haven’t changed at all. But the interface seems much more stable, which is nice already.

And I think you might want to move this thread to the beta forum now. Or shall I start a new thread there?

Thanks for confirming this problem still exists in the beta version of 5. Please start a new thread in the beta discussion board and hopefully we can figure this one out.


  • Ryan

Hey, I just wanted to follow up on this. I haven’t seen a new thread created for the on the beta board yet. :slight_smile:


  • Ryan

yes, sorry. I was in a deadline crunch. I’ll get right on it.

quick thing we just got deadline like a few month ago, so far it working good but we ran OSX and whenever you open any app such launcher, slave or monitor it takes a while to open a lot longer if you run on PC … the worst is the Monitor it really takes forever … I was wondering if you guys will fix this issue with OSX thank you

Which OS do you have the repository on, and what protocol are you using to have your OSX machines connect to the server? If the connection to the repository is “slow”, that could explain why it takes so long to load the applications.


  • Ryan

we are running OSX 10.6.6 Protocol AFP we are changing to NFS but not yet

Where the repository is in our Job Server which is fast we work from there … Also this didn’t happen before it just start happening like maybe 1 month ago or so …

I think our users get better performance using NFS or SMB, so it would be interesting to see if things improve once you switch. That is strange that it just started happening though…

Keep us posted!

  • Ryan