Hi all!
I’m render an animation sequence from C4D using Octane. When rendered locally directly out of C4d a frame takes less than 2 minutes to render. When I send the job through Deadline things slow drown drastically and get slower over time.
I’ve attached some of the Job Reports… let me know if you need more info to help me understand why these tasks are taking much longer when compared to directly out of C4D.
FYI I’m a new Deadline user and I appreciate your help.
-Thanks, Brian
So, there’s a bit of an issue with these. Because we write a Python script that handles the whole render process and only write out the results at the end, we’re not seeing which parts of the process are slow: Cinema or Deadline. If you couple that with Octane not writing much output while it’s rendering it’s especially mysterious.
Would you be wiling to run the same render with “Batch mode” disabled? There’s a little checkbox in the submitter for that. It’ll be slower as Deadline’ll have to re-load C4D and the scene each task, but it’ll make sure the slow down isn’t in any of the interprocess communication or path mapping calls.
There’s also some settings in the C4DBatch plugin that will be helpful here. You can find this window under the “Tools” menu while in super-user mode:
[attachment=0]2018-07-24 14_02_51-Configure Plugins.png[/attachment]
Update: One of the guys on my team mentioned they’d seen this with a version of Octane prior to version 4. I’m not sure if it’ll work, but do you know if it’s possible to grab a newer version of Octane to see if that helps as well?