Looping PRT Loader

Hi, is there any way I can loop particles in prt_loader, so that they start from frame 0 again when they are finished, or pingpong back in reverse order?

This would be wonderful!!!

just saw the greyed out GRAPH thing
super nice!

pingpong here we go

We even provide some preset curves in the >> button next to the Graph for fast setting of linear keys in the current scene time segment.

jes thats what i meant,
i did think that it would pingpong automatically, so if i had 1000frame timeline, 300frame prt_loader, that it would pingpong from 0 300 then reverse from 300 to 600, but it only pingpongs once, so i had 300 to 700 empty

guess i have to manually do it, but at least i know now where to keyframe that :slight_smile:

if i would use your great Maxtrix script, could i use that to slow down time, would it still look “good” interpolate between frames? or would it stutter because of stillstanding particles?

would be pretty cool :slight_smile:

The PRT Loader can retime particle motion pretty well even without MaXtrix. Just use the playback graph to control the flow - it will extrapolate positions from the closest full frame along the velocities, and also scale the velocity vectors respectively.

I must say I haven’t tried how it works with MaXtrix (which I haven’t used since I wrote it), I hope you will tell me.