One thing that often becomes a problem with node based tools like this is the need for loops or to iterate over sub arrays.
Have you guys put any thought into how this might work? I know it’s down the track, but a lot of cool stuff needs an extra loop or ten.
One thing that come to mind are Relax algorithms. Any sort of iterative mod really. I have a couple I wanted to convert from maxscript simplemods to this but can’t.
The other thing would be if you allowed us to pick a spline object, you might want to step along its length doing something - you would need a loop again for that.
I guess one option would be to try to predict what people might want to do an hardcode it for them in operators. Problem is, this limits what people can do with the tool.
Yes, we have discussed this. No, we don’t have a final plan how we are going to do it.
Obviously, Genome 1.0 is going for hard-coded loops (Vertex, Face, MapFace/Vert nested loops) for simplicity.
It already does more than a scripted simpleMod since it provides access to a lot more channels, but things like Relax are obviously not doable this way.
As for spline access, it is logged on the Wishlist, but there are a few things that can be done already using the PRT Hair object of Krakatoa which can sample a spline to a certain extent - Genome could then access the resulting particles as sampling points. I know it is a workaround, but it is free.
The other thing we would like to have is an operator that uses a Spline as a custom curve in place of the Function>Curve operator so you can tweak knots on a scene object and affect the result in Genome. This would be also a workaround for animated curve controls.