Machine gravitation feature or workaround

i have a mixed pool of machines that differ in performance. Is the any way to define machine centric priority? So that when a job hits the queue the faster machines pick up first. Groups don’t do that for me, i want the whole farm to eventually participate if there are enough tasks in a job.

Just to clarify, the pools don’t seem to address this either as most of my jobs are single frame or just a handful of frames. Having faster machines utilized more without jibs competing for then if there are other workers available is the objective here.

thank you!

There isn’t a way to do that in Deadline. Since the Workers don’t co-ordinate with each other they’re not able to have the slower Workers wait in line behind the faster ones. All Workers pull tasks from the pile simultaneously.

Pools are for helping order the priority jobs should be picked up in and as you’ve seen aren’t going to help here.

Let me know if you’ve got any questions!

I understand that this turns it into a feature request, but what about groups having a priority number? It’s easy enough to manually organize machines into groups by performance.

Groups wouldn’t be a good candidate, those are for grouping workers by the software they’ve got installed and the hardware they have available. The usual example I use is having a group of workers with GPUs and one without. If you’re looking for some info on pools and groups I always like this blog post.

If anything I’d be thinking of a 1-100 value assigned to the Workers like how jobs have priority. It wouldn’t be a simple change but I’ll make a note of the request. We can’t share any details on the roadmap, but let me know if you’ve got any questions!

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