Magma Flow for Color Matte

I was thinking of using magma flow to render out a color matte. How can use Magma flow to change the color of a voxel from birth to death? I tried to use the density, but I’m not sure how to work out changing from one color to another.


Also, is there a way to ignore shading on the particles so I can make a perfect matte for compositing?

Enable Emission and set the same color for Emission you have set for Color. Disable Lighting.
I will need some more info about what exactly you are doing to be able to help with the rest of the question…
Voxels just render the color of the particles that happen to end up inside them.
You can use the Age and LifeSpan of the particles, or just use a Script Input reading the currenttime.frame value, divide by the period and use the result as 3rd input into a Blend Operator that has two color inputs if the change has to happen in absolute time and is constant for all particles.
Alternatively, you can just assign any animated map that changes color over time (but it is slower than MagmaFlow).

I found that magma flow tutorial on density and it shows the blend operation. I didn’t realize you had something like that. That will work perfectly.
Thanks, Fred