magma node inputGeometry

im trying to connect frost mesh to inputGeometry node in MagmaModifier

not sure if its a bug but everytime i pick it it does not display it, and instead says

even then selecting a simple sphere will not work
i have to create a new inputGeo node to select sphere
but selecting frost mesh will again give me deleted and not pick it or display it

also restarted max and tried again, but same thing

any ideas?

kraka2 win7 64 max 2011

Sounds like you have a circular dependency.

For example, if you have a PRT Volume with a Magma modifier where an InputGeometry picked the Frost, you MAY NOT pick the same PRT Volume as the source of the Frost (I get here because it adds it and removes it automatically immediately).

You will have to figure out a setup without a circular dependency. In many cases, saving one of the objects to a cache (PRT or XMesh) would help you provide a version of the particles or the geometry to work with that is not dependent on the Magma modifier. Without knowing the exact context, I cannot tell you what your particular solution would be, but I hope this gives you an idea…

For example, if you are using a PRT Loader, you could copy it and use one copy to build the Frost mesh, and the other copy to run the Magma. This way, the second PRT Loader will be independent from the first one and would not have a problem picking the Frost.
Alternatively, using a single PRT Loader, you could bake the mesh of the Frost to XMesh and then load and pick the XMesh Loader in the Magma. Since the XMesh cache is independent from the PRT Loader, you will be able to sample it without problems.

jea ok that makes sense
ill just create another prt loader :slight_smile:
